
Provider Satisfaction Survey 2020

March 31, 2020, 10:20 am


CHP has completed its annual Provider Satisfaction Survey for 2020. The survey was sent out via Survey Monkey to primary care providers in the Marketplace EPO directory, which included physicians and APPs, for a total of 760 possible provider responses. The survey was available for 2 weeks, from 2/12 to 2/28, and consisted of questions developed around AAAHC accreditation standards and other areas CHP wanted to gain feedback. We received a total of 94 responses for a 12% response rate.

Review of Findings

Below is a summary of survey results. See the PDF full analysis of the survey here.



Q1 How would you rate Cox HealthPlans compared to all other health plans you contract with? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q2 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' claim processing turnaround time? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q3 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' claim processing accuracy? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q4 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' procedures for obtaining prior authorizations and referrals? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q5 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' turnaround time for prior authorizations? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q6 How do you rate continuity and coordination of care across the health care delivery system? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q7 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' facilitation/support of appropriate clinical care for patients? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q8 How do you rate the ease of access/ease to refer to health education and wellness programs offered through CoxHealth System's Wellness program and the Center for Health Improvement? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q9 How do you rate the number of specialists in Cox HealthPlans' provider network? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q10 How do you rate timeliness of referral to specialty care (both medical and psychological)? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


 Q11 How do you rate your confidence that mental health needs are identified and triaged accurately in your area? (Extremely confident, Very confident, Somewhat confident)


Q12 How do you rate Cox HealthPlans' formulary as it pertains to availability of comparable drugs to substitute those not included in the formulary? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q13 How do you rate Cox Healthplans' Provider Services representative’s ability to answer questions and resolve problems? (Average, Somewhat above average, and Well above average)


Q14 Do you have adequate access to Cox HealthPlans' clinical practice guidelines and resources? (Yes)


Q15 Have you utilized Cox HealthPlans' website or provider portal? (Yes)


Q16 Would you recommend Cox HealthPlans to other providers?


Key Trends from Q17 “what can Cox HealthPlans do to improve its service to your practice?”, which was open-ended:

  • Education for providers about resources available to them
  • Education for providers about what the health plan does
  • Education for providers about the formulary available online
  • Education for claims processing regulations and requirements

The survey results identified many areas of strength:

  • Number of specialists in the provider network
  • Cox HealthPlans’ formulary
  • Continuity and coordination of care

Survey results indicate weaknesses in the following areas:

  • Referral process for specialists (we do not require them)
  • Lack of education about health plan functions and resources available to providers through CHP

Opportunities for Improvement

  • Participation rate
  • Improved education for health plan processes
  • Improved education for resources available to providers through health plan
  • Better survey introduction to better portray where in CoxHealth System the survey is intended

Action Taken

  • Reword survey introduction and questions for 2021’s survey
  • Provide education for providers about resources available to them through Newsletter
  • Provide education for providers about what the health plan does through Newsletter or committee meetings with network providers
  • Provider education for providers about the formulary available online through Newsletter
  • Provide education for claims processing regulations and requirements through Newsletter or committee meetings with network providers

Date Reported to QIC: 3/10/2020