
Member Satisfaction Survey 2020

April 9, 2020, 4:15 pm


Cox HealthPlans (CHP) has completed its annual Member Satisfaction Survey for benefit plan year 2019. The survey was sent out via Survey Monkey to Small Group Metal Plan administrators and members to complete, with a total of 774 possible member responses. Plan administrators were incentivized to complete the survey and to encourage other members to complete the survey by a prize drawing. We also sent a follow up reminder during the last week of the survey to plan administrators to gather additional completed surveys. The survey was available for 3 weeks, from 1/29 to 2/21, and consisted of standard CAHPS questions, with a few additional questions that touched on behavioral health services and health education, wellness activities, and racial, ethnical, cultural, and spiritual needs. We received a total of 15 responses for a 2% response rate.

Review of Findings

Below is a summary of survey results. See the PDF full analysis of the survey here



Access to Care


Q3. Getting care quickly ((Always/usually)


Q5. Getting routine appointment when needed (Always/usually)


Q7. Rating of health care (8, 9 or 10)


Q8. Getting care, tests or treatment (Always or usually)


Personal Doctor


Q9. Have a personal doctor (Yes)


Q11. Doctor explained things in a way that was easy to understand (Always/usually)


Q12. Doctor listened carefully to you (Always/usually)


Q13. Doctor showed respect (Always/usually)


Q14. Doctor spend enough time with you (Always/usually)


Q15. Rating of personal doctor (9 or 10)


Specialist Doctor


Q16. Ease of getting an appointment to see a specialist (Always/usually)


Q17. Rating of specialist (9 or 10)


Health Plan


Q18. Getting information needed from plan's customer service (Always/usually)


Q22. Treated with courtesy and respect (Always/usually)


Q24. Ease of filling out forms from health plan (Always/usually)


Q25. Rating of Health Plan (8, 9 or 10)


The survey results identified many areas of strengths:

  • Rating of health care
  • Having a personal doctor who listens carefully, explains things in a way that is easy to understand, spends enough time and shows the member respect
  • Rating of specialist and ease of getting an appointment to see a specialist
  • Getting information from the plan’s customer service and being treated with courtesy and respect from the health plan

Survey results indicate weaknesses in the following areas:

  • Getting care quickly
  • Ease of filling out forms from the Health Plan

Opportunities for Improvement

  • Increase member participation
  • Make each question “Required” to be answered
  • Educational opportunities for members regarding accessing care
  • Educational opportunities for members regarding filling out health plan forms

Action Taken

  • Complete next year’s survey through a formal CAHPS vendor
  • Blog post educating members about access methods to care
  • Blog post pointing members to our member services department to help with forms
  • Educate member services on results of survey to make aware of issues to better help members

Date Reported to QIC:  3/10/2020